Layout I finished this morning

I put off working with the pictures from the morning Dave left until I could do the journaling with a strong heart.
Journaling reads:
It was cold and miserable the morning of March 4th as Dave and I prepared to say good-bye again as he left for his third Iraqi deployment in four years.
We received a pleasant surprise the morning before when we showed up for the original departure time, to find out we had a reprieve of 24-hours. But no reprieve was in sight this morning and we huddled together, trying to stay warm, and soaking up the last few precious moments that we had together.
Finally it was time to say a final good-bye and for him to get on the bus. I had been so brave so far, holding back the tears that I didn’t want him to see. As he stepped up on the bus, I could feel myself close to breaking down, but just when I thought I couldn’t hold it together for another moment, he stuck his head off the bus and gave me the cheesiest grin; it made me laugh out loud. That laughter gave me the courage to keep smiling until the buses were out of sight.
I really wish there were more hours in the day so that I could get some time to scrap book. I have so many cute ideas and cute pictures of Fiona. I need to just get my guest room set up and doa little here and there.
Awesome page girl and such great journalling! ((((hugs))))
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