The Red Square Club

Saturday, after Dave left, I started thinking about just how long seven months is...215 days, and I started to get really overwhelmed. I've decided that I just have to break it down into small achievable goals.
I celebrated the first full day; next it will be a week, then a month. I just have to focus on the little achievements, and then before I know it, they will be big achievements.
I've received two phone calls so far. He called Monday morning while they were at Camp Victory in Kuwait. He said the transportation will be getting smaller and smaller from here. Smaller planes and then down to helo's for the last leg.
This morning I got another call. They are stuck at a base in Iraq waiting out a sandstorm so they can fly on to their final destination.
Two other Warrant Officer's wives and I have a nice budding friendship started. Kathy's husband Jason is with Dave and Julie's husband Tim is a few days behind on the second part of the Main Body. Within a week, they will all be together at the final destination. So Tuesday morning Kathy and I got up early and went to hang with Julie as she said good-bye to Tim.
So after the buses pulled out, the three of us were hanging around talking to a Lieutenant when a Gunny walked up. The Lieutenant introduced us all "This is CWO J's wife, CWO W's wife, and CWO G's wife"
He looked at us, "What is this, the Red Square Club?"
We have an official nickname!
I've been wondering how you are doing. I'm glad you have some support near you to get through this. I'm thinking about you and haven't seen you post much at GI. But I know you will be fine. I peek in here at your blog just so I won't lose touch.
Take care,
Glad you have support and people that understand what you are going through. It is something that most of us civilians could never even wrap our minds around. Miss you and love you! Know that if you need I am! :)
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