I Resolve

I like making New Year's Resolutions. It's a fresh start every year. It's like a do over!
Only for me, New Year's Resolutions don't start until January 5th. What's the use of a resolution, which includes healthy eating and weight loss religiously every year, when you are just going to blow it on the biggest most important day of the year!
MY BIRTHDAY! January 4th!
But I digress.......
This year I have set my yearly "get back into shape" goal, but with a twist. I've given myself a target weight to reach instead of my usual vague "lose weight". I want to hit 160 before Dave comes home from Iraq some time in October. I'm calling myself accountable here!
I also resolve to be more religious with my facial care. I have gorgeous skin; I should baby it more to keep it nice as long as possible.
And my oral health is always an issue with me. My dentist tells me that I have a high calcium content in my saliva, so I'm supposed to get my teeth cleaned more often than most people. But couple that with an irrational fear of dental people, and it makes for a pretty bad thing. This week I'm seeing a periodontist (much deep breathing and crying is involved, luckily I have a very understanding periodontist) to do a deep root scaling. So I'm bound and determined not to let it get this bad again!!
I also have resolved to scrap 2 pages a week, for a total of 104 in the year. With Dave deployed this year; I should have plenty of time on my hands to get that done. I need to catch up on my Book of Me, finish my Disney album from my trip in 2004, do my usual 12x12 yearly album, and I'll also make a small 6x6 album for Dave entitled "While You Were Out" chronicling my time and thoughts while he was deployed.
As a photographer, I take lots of pictures, most of which are stored on my laptops hard drive. So what would happen if this laptop crashed? I would lose years of precious memories. So this year I have resolved to burn CD's of all my photographs and to back up to Snapfish as well.
Last but not least, I resolved to start this blog and to keep it up. Why? Probably because I'm an egomaniac and think that the whole world is interested in what I have to say and what I think.
Hey, I'm the center of the universe, right?
ps.....also thanks and credit to the nameless scrapper at veggieville who's layout I scraplifted. Way to go girl! Hey, imitation is the highest form of flattery, right?
good idea to hold oneself accountable. I like the LO too.
Cute layout and I'm with you on the flossing thing and I have to remember to brush my teeth every night. Not going into why I have to do this every night, but I'm not going through that pain again!
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