Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Warning.....Whiney Post Ahead

You've been warned, I'm wallowing in self pity. Please feel free to click away and not read!

Seriously....I won't be offended if you don't read today's entry!

This is your last chance!!!

So Dave is leaving on Friday for Iraq for seven months, and I'm having trouble concentrating at work. I just can't seem to get into the customer service attitude this week.

When a guest comes in all happy and in a good mood I think "Oh just freaking rub your happiness in my face why don't you. My husband is about to leave for a combat zone!"

Or if a guest comes into the bar in a bad mood, I think "what do you have to be so grumpy about? My husband is about to leave for a combat zone!"

And God forbid if they come in with a complaint. A man was freaking out today because he couldn't have Adobe A, which is on the end and has an extra window. Because he didn't book early enough, he had to settle for Adobe D, which is exactly the same unit only it doesn't have the extra west facing window. I wanted to scream out at him "What the freaking hell are you so upset about. It's a damn window! Is someone you love about to go into a combat zone? Then you would have something to be upset about!!"

I have issues.....

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At 8:57 PM, Blogger Tracey said...

okay your last sentence made me LOL because I can see BDD in my mind's eye looking right at me some 17 months ago "you have issues"

Okay attempt at humor.

Gosh Wendy this showed me another side of you. I didn't know you well enough the last time Dave was deployed and by the time I did know you well enough he was almost due to return and you were well into your "routine" of him not being there and getting ready for him to come back.

Just as before, I am here again. I will read every single post you have to make about your experience. Good, bad and ugly. We all have a duty don't we?

At 6:27 AM, Blogger Sonia said...

((((((HUGS))))))) I'm sorry :( I wish he didn't have to go. I'm glad my DH didn't have to go into combat during his time in the army. Military life is HARD. Unless you've lived it, ya just don't understand :(


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