True Friends

Well casual reader, I have introduced you to a lot of different people in my life; my sisters and brother, my parents, my Mother in Law, just to name a few.
Today I want to take a moment and recognize two people who are the epitome of true friends, Dave and Linda M.
Dave and I met Dave and Linda through a motorcycle club we used to ride with. We enjoyed their company at the meetings and on the rides, so we started to get to know them better outside of club functions, and over the past eight years, we have come to love them dearly.
We don't see them as often as we would like, especially after Dave was transferred to Camp Pendleton, but every time we see them again, we just pick right up like not a day has passed.
Dave and Linda are the kind of friends you can call at 2am when your car breaks down an hour away and they will get up and come and get you. They are the kind of friends you trust with your house keys, your cars, your money, and your hearts. During Dave's Iraqi tours, they have stored at different times his Harley, his 73 Vette, his 90 Vette, and our motorhome. All without complaint.
They have been my rock through all three of these deployments. While my Dave is deployed, Dave M. will come and pick me up on the motorcycle and take me out for a ride. They have me into their home for dinner and long nights of good conversation. They love me enough to force me to get out, sometimes when I don't want to, because they know it's good for me. About a month after my Dave left on this deployment, Linda called me and informed me that they were taking me to dinner, where did I want to eat? Not did I want to go, but where should they take me? They knew I was still moping, but cared enough about me to force me to get out and get on.
We've shared everything about ourselves with Dave and Linda, and they accept us as we are with no judgments. That is the greatest gift we have received from them; their unconditional support.
I know they both read my blog (even though they never leave comments) so let me take this time to tell them both:
Guys, I don't know what Dave and I would have done over the past eight years without you guys in our lives. We value you and treasure your friendship more than we can ever express in words!
Wendy, this is a sweet tribute to your friends. Wish we all could have friends like that!!
Thank you very much for the kind words. Linda and I were feeling like we were neglecting you during this current deployment since we haven't seen a lot of you. Your post let us know that we must not have messed it up too bad. We want to be around if you need us but not to smother you in Dave's absence. I'm glad that we are able to be a part of you and Dave's lives. Your friendship is very dear to us. You are both in our thoughts and prayers daily.
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