Vacation Highlights

Here I am doing the Hoki Poki at Babe's...and anyone who knows me, knows that I LOVE to do the Hoki Poki!
"Pepperoni, more please" - Chico the cat
Playing Chickenfoot with Mom and Dad.

Uncle Dave and Adrianne napping.

Mom's famous lasagna and her homemade rolls, Dad cooking ribs outside for the family day, and just generally eating too much homecooking!
Dave working on cars at the Napa shop with his brothers
Eating lots and lots of Sonic and Schlotsky's, because we can't get them in California!

The owners Wendy & Lyn were so warm and hospitable and the room was so comfy and nice. We've never stayed at a B&B before, but we will be doing this again!

The crisp, clean air in Colorado!

Visiting Bishop's Castle with Dave and his father. This was all built by one man over the past few decades. Of course he's crazy as a shit house rat, but you have to admire what he's built with his own two hands.
I stayed on the ground, thank you very much (he is crazy after all) but Dave and Father went all the way to the top...that's them in the round ball at the top!

Leaving Colorado and starting the "alone time" part of our vacation.
Driving up to 11,000 feet elevation and seeing all the beautiful snow!
Buying patches everywhere we went and sewing them on our bags each night.
Driving through all the pretty little towns and saying what we liked about each one of them. Silverton, could definitely be on our list of places to retire.

Looking at the map and pointing and saying "let's go HERE!" just because we can.
No timetables or schedules of when we have to be where!

Doing the Cliff Dwellings in Mesa Verde Colorado. So cool to be climbing around in the place where the Publo people lived between 1100 AD and 1400 AD.
Doing the tour where we had to climb up 10 foot ladders and down ledges and crevices...although not so fun to do it behind the guy in sweat pants with the HUGE butt. Not an attractive sight, let me tell you!
Having a bad hair day and just throwing a bandana on my head.

Going to the Four Corners area and sitting in Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, and Colorado all at the same time.

Eating Navajo Fry Bread topped with beans and cheese!
Not so good, dealing with Dave's nasty farting in the small car afterwards!!
Big thanks to the two Good Samartians in Kayenta, Arizona that helped us out when the Vette had a problem under the hood!

Tuba City, Arizona, definitely OFF the list of places we would retire. That is one small, dirty, icky city!
Watching the Cowboys beat the Panthers soundly and then going out for Arby's.
Man, a lot of my highlights have to do with food, don't they??