Sunday, September 17, 2006


In the name of Operational Security, I took down my countdown timer.

I got an email from my KV (Key Volunteer) saying that the dates had changed slightly, but that the KNV (Key Volunteer Network) would not be posting any arrivals via email for OpSec reasons and asked that we did the same. She said she would be contacting everyone in the next week to let us know what the new dates are.

WTH? You just tell me that my husband's date has changed, and that you will call me in the next 7 DAYS to tell me the new date???

Luckily Dave is a pretty smart feller and, in the course of an email, mentioned that he was looking forward to the day that our favorite team plays (he named another team) and how nice it was going to be to be together and watch the game in his own house.

All I had to do was look up what day our team played the team who's name I won't mention here and WHAM, I knew all I needed to know!


At 4:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wendy..I know were your at and how you feel about the dates and places. During WW2 when I was in the New Guenia area, I knew my cousin that was in the Army, up the coast from me and we were trying to tell each other where we were. All outgoing mail was always censored and full of holes when received..I recieved a leter from him and he said he knew where I was. My last letter was all full of holes and I had put my return address as Milne Bay Dick along with the rest of the return and it went past the service guys are always trying to beat the system in many ways.
Dick Le Blanc


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