The Real Meaning of Today

It's not a 3-day weekend so we can all go to the beach or the mountains. It's not an extra day off of work to get all those extra chores done around the house.
Today is set aside to honor and remember those men and women who sacrificed so much so that each of us can do with today what we want.
Today, take a moment and think about the men who stormed the beaches of Normandy on D-Day, our US Forces lost 6,603 men that day. Remember the Marines of the First World War who fought in Belleau Woods. They struck terror in the hearts of their enemy, who called them Teufelshunde, meaning Devil Dogs.
Take a moment and remember all the American servicemembers who have fought in your name all over the globe, in steamy jungles and arid deserts, so that you can walk freely and speak your mind without fear.
And take a moment to remember all the men and women that are so far from home today. There are no picnics or bar-b-que's for them today.

They sleep alone, in uncomfortable surroundings, if they get to sleep at all.
I, for one, will never forget.