Monday, May 01, 2006

This Post Brought To You By The Letter W

So Sonia over at The Queen's Court has this game going on and I was assigned the letter W. I have to come up with ten words that are somewhat relative to me that start with that letter. If you want to play, post and I'll assign you a letter.

So here goes:

  1. Wendy - Pretty easy, my name IRL.
  2. Wendylicious - My name in the cyber world. Before a few years ago, any time I needed a screen name on line I would use Wendy7376. But then I became extremely active on the now defunct message board called unscrappable and someone else joined after me with the name of just "Wendy". Being the egomaniacal person that I am, I couldn't be a second rate knock off, so I ran a contest for my friends there to come up with a new name for me. Brandy, I believe, came up with Wendylicious and that's been my cyber name ever since. It's so very ME. Also, I harbor a great contempt for women who use screen names like "Momof2Boys" or "BobsWife". HELLO! Do you not have an identity outside that? Your role as wife or mother, while important, does not define who you are! Blick!
  3. Works - my maiden name. Yes, my maiden name was Wendy Works. How badly does that suck? Sometimes I tell my husband I married him for the nice normal name he gave me.
  4. Wife - it won't be too many more years before I will have been married more years than I haven't been. Sometimes it's hard to believe that we've been married so long, it doesn't seem like that long ago when we were dating. But I can't imagine not being married; it's such an integral part of who I am.
  5. Weight - Something I've struggled with since my mid-20's. I have a genetic propensity to obesity, which I refuse to give in to. It's constant vigilance.
  6. Wacky - I don't think anyone that knows me will disagree that I'm a bit off kilter.
  7. Water - Don't like it. I didn't learn to swim until I was older and even now it's just a modified doggie paddle. I can't open my eyes under water and I'm terrified of being held down under water. My worst death ever would be drowning.
  8. Whiney - I get whiney when I'm tired or sick, and I hate it. I admire strength and dislike weak or whiney people. So when I get whiney, I dislike it in myself.
  9. Watchful - I'm a careful person, my favorite sayings are "better safe than sorry" or "if it sounds too good to be true it probably is". As a female, I'm vigilant about my personal safety.
  10. Wonderful - I am a unique and amazing person. I know that because I have a large circle of friends both on line and IRL that would go to the ends of the earth for me and I love them dearly. I have two strong and remarkable parents who raised me to be such and a set of in-laws that love me like one of their own. I am also blessed to be in love with and married to the most marvelous man ever who loves me for who I am, warts and all. How could I be anything less than wonderful if all these people that I admire so much love me?
So that's my list. Dave please notice that I did not use your suggestions of wonderful breasts or waffle-butt.

Some day I'll have to blog about the waffle-butt story, but that is another post all in itself.


At 7:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alright, I'm game. Assign me a little. :-)

At 10:21 AM, Blogger WriterWriter said...

11... Wise.

At 2:46 PM, Blogger Wendylicious said...

Amy...your letter is P

Debra...your letter is T

At 5:54 PM, Blogger Sonia said...

Wendy, you sound like such an awesome person :)

ok...a few points:

1. Yes..I hate the whole "mom to...." screen names too. oops, hope I did'nt offend anyone..but seriously...after those kids are're still gonna be you.

2. Normal name? My maiden name is Smith. Oy. Too normal!

3. Don't assign me another letter (lol). Great list!

At 6:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great list babe! I think you were exactly on target with all your words and descriptions! Love you and I will be happy to play along! :)

At 4:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ooo...a challenge. i wanna play babe.



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