Change of Plans

I had a post planned for today, in fact I had it almost completely written, when I went searching for an old picture I wanted to use. I have three or four of those plastic storage tubs under my bed filled with old pictures, memorabilia, and letters.
Here I am, two hours later, inspired to write a completely different post. I just spent a good portion of this evening looking at all the letters that Dave wrote to me during our dating years.
As I have written previously, a good portion of our dating years were spent living at least four hours apart. We wrote two or three letters a week, off and on, for close to two years.
I found two letters that Dave wrote to me right after my Senior Prom in 1987, which was our first date. The raw honesty and emotion of those two letters brought me to tears. I sat in the middle of my bedroom floor and cried.
I can not believe what an amazingly lucky person I am to have found my soul-mate at 18 years old. The words that he wrote, the hopes and the dreams that he expressed in those letters...they have all been realized.
He talked of the future and of being together and growing together and growing older together. He wrote about his desire to protect me and to keep me safe and to give me everything that I ever wanted. Reading his words I can feel the hopes that he had and I could also feel the fear that he had that it would never come true.
Dearest David, I don't tell you often enough so I'm doing it here today. You have given me everything that you ever promised me and so much more. You have given me a life that I cherish, a marriage that I am proud of, and the realization of every hope my 18 year old heart could ever desire. I adore the boy that you were and I love the man that you have become.

ps...please forgive me for shattering your big, tough, Devil Dog big softie!
As someone who has seen the two of you together and the love that radiates from both of you, this post does not surprise nor disappoint me.
Nicely done, Wendy.
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