Band Geeks

One of them was a band instructor. He got to telling all these hilarious band jokes that I suppose are only funny to ex-band geeks like me.
How many trumpet players does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
None, that's what they have tuba players for.
What did the drummer get on his IQ test?
What do you call people that hang out with musicians all the time?
How do you get two flutist to play in unison?
Shoot one of them
I just got to thinking about my days in marching band on the flag line. I couldn't remember all the jokes they told me, so while trying to Google them, I found this funny Marching Band Purity Test and Color Guard Purity Test.
Umm....I'm embarrassed to tell you how high I scored on them.
i'll tell you mine if you tell me yours. :D
and- for the record- i still have my flag. it's leaning up against the wall in my laundry room, lol.
hehe...I still have my flag too. And a couple folded up in my cedar chest! Loved the pic. It's inspired me to find one of my flag corps days and do something with it (besides burn it...which will be my first instinct when I see it....)
Kim F.
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