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It was so stinking hot here in the desert, that the folks and I scooted off to the coast.
Tuesday we spent all day driving around San Diego in what Daddy called "a nostalgic trip." He was stationed in the area in the late 60's and hasn't been back since. Mom and I tried not to be too bored as we drove around San Diego with Dad as excited as a school kid going "oh oh look there is the building where I stayed my first night at the recruit depot" "oh oh look there is the place where I did the other thing" "oh it's the USO where we could get our ties pressed".
Okay, so I'm exaggerating for comedic effect, but it was funny.
But Mom and I did enjoy watching him being so excited. I flashed my military ID and got us on the base at Coronado Island where he was with the Beach Masters and we got on the 32nd Street Pier where he did some other thing. I forget....
We did do other things too. We spent some time on the beach picking up rocks for Sam and we ate some amazingly great Mexican food at the El Torrito at Vista and El Camino Real in Oceanside. If you ever find yourself on Highway 78 in the Oceanside/Carlsbad area, I suggest stopping in there for some great food and fabo service.
Wednesday on our way back to the desert, we stopped in San Juan Capistrano and did a tour of the mission there. I had tons of fun playing with my camera and taking some nice shots.
All in all, it was a great visit and having them here really gave me the shot in the arm that I needed.
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